Me and the Mister is officially Splitsville. And it ain't my fault (directly).
He was in love before he met me and he has been back and forth with the lady love several times during our 37 year relationship.
And now he's made his choice, again, and there you have it.
The kids are grown and I AM DONE!!!!!!!!!
So I will be getting a divorce and finding a new life.
I just might blog about it, too.
Why not? I am thinking I will have lots of extra energy, not having to deal with the emotional baggage.
Of course, that sounds silly, 'cause what are divorces but emotional whirlwinds with baggage flying all over?
But I gotta make myself a new life, and I think I will need to process it through writing.
And blogs make your writing look so pretty!
So here I go!
Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling!